"Knowledge is Potential Power"
It becomes Power when, and if, executed to a definite end.
Execution of Knowledge is Power
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"Scientia potentia est" - Knowledge is power.
While this saying holds the foundations for eternal truths, we find a slight tweak is required to reflect the current times.
Knowledge is but a tool. It is much like a note on the floor; what makes the note worthy or worthless is the content of the note. Even more significant is if we let the contents affect our actions.
Knowledge is a blueprint for the construction of ideas, beliefs, thoughts and feelings. The realization of these things is determined by the degree of our execution of the blueprints.
Execution brings about results and leads to mastery. Mastery is the highest realization of knowledge.
Knowledge compels execution.
Execution leads to Mastery.
Mastery is Power.
However way you choose to look at it, our aim is to provide you with the right 'blueprints' to help you on your path to mastery. It is our sincere hope that you find the information provided here and act upon it as you deem fit for as you change and better yourself, so too do you change the world.