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How We Create Reality

Writer: Laconic WisomLaconic Wisom

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

by Al Smith Contributing Writer

April 6, 2013 from WakingTimes Website

Do you wonder why life is a chaotic roller coaster of both positive and negative events?  Have you, like most, earnestly tried positive thinking, meditation or prayer without any tangible beneficial results?  Do you stress over your quietly desperate realization that you have little control over your own life?  Do you fear that most of us are floating helplessly like plankton on the waves?  Don't you wish you had a magical power to change your life and the lives around you for the better? 

Well, the good news is that you do!

After reading this a few times, you'll understand the natural forces that create our individual and collective realities. You'll comprehend that we all have the same ability to use these forces for good or for evil.

You'll begin to see these forces at work everywhere. You'll learn to control, focus, amplify and correctly use your personal power with ease. You'll start to reap the rewards you've always sought: but never found. It won't require your belief or faith, which come with practice.

And, it doesn't even require any real effort on your part, though faith and making physical steps toward your goals will help them to manifest faster. It's as easy as daydreaming. Your understanding of this knowledge will make you begin to naturally and automatically think in new ways that will make your future as you'd like it to be.

It's really not hard at all. Wrap your mind firmly around this concept.

We each wield enormous power throughout each day of our lives. We control powerful forces of which most of us are totally unaware. Your power can create good or bad future events for yourself, for your friends and family and for all of humanity.

Here's the problem:

We unwittingly create positive and negative, life-giving and even potentially fatal events in the future.

Without knowledge of this power, using it is like playing Russian roulettewith the engine of the universe.

And, our individual realities and the realities of everyone we think about are direct results of our control, lack of control, use or abuse of our awesome individual powers.

But, once we understand our power, we naturally tend to use it for our benefit and for the common good. So, seriously examine your power and learn to use it to help yourself and everyone you love to become the best originals you can be.

Your subconscious mind is in continuous contact with the subconscious minds of everyone else alive today and possibly with all minds on other planes at all times throughout the universe.

The collective subconscious controls the omnipotent, omnipresent quantum field. It envelops everything, powers the atoms and manifests our holographic universe.

And, your individual mind, while in the alpha level awareness (daydream state), is your personal control console for the collective subconscious. It's your key to your personal power and what everyone must learn to control for posterity's sake.

The collective subconscious does NOT understand "words" or language. It only understands your mental images. The mental images you consciously or unconsciously design (imagineer) onto your mental screen are totally understood by the collective subconscious. In other words, your daydreams largely dictate your reality.

And, it interprets your daydreams as your desired future reality. It figures that you wouldn't spend so much time daydreaming about it, unless you wanted it in your life. Your future is largely a reflection of the most recurrent images you've displayed on your mind's screen and the images of you of those who know you.

The more times you mentally image a thing, the greater its chances of materializing into your reality.

Think of daydreams as votes for events to happen in your future. It's the only true democracy. And, it's perpetually happening inside your head all day long and throughout our universe.

Our cruel and unlawful world rulers want you to be ignorant of this information, so they can enlist you in their multi-million man army who daydream their nightmare into existence for them. Understand the situation, but when you imagine their nightmarish plans, instantly delete the images, more on that later.

To use your power with any degree of control, your conscious mind must communicate with the collective subconscious (place your order) in its own language: in deliberate mental images. Words have no effect on reality, except to convey concepts which paint mental images in our minds. It's our images, our imaginings that program reality. You must also learn how to edit out your negative daydreams.

I'll tell you how briefly.

Don't confuse night dreams with daydreams.

Night dreams are born from random splashes of unrelated images from your mind's image storehouse upon your mental screen. You're asleep. So, your subconscious mind is unchained from the false restrictions and limitations normally imposed on it by your conscious mind. While asleep, it's free to recreate by fully exercising its enormous power to connect unrelated dream images into some sort of continuity or story. Meaning can't be deciphered from night dreams, because images have different meanings to different people. Bad night dreams have no real power over you or your future, unless you assign power to them when you image (recall) them the following day, when you're awake. Your daydreams, on the other hand, are the programs or the code of the creation of your future. The things you imagine (lament, desire, grieve about, gripe about, hash over, resent, anticipate, hope for, hate, love, regret, etc.) most frequently are the things of which your future will be composed. Until you learn to manage these images, life will be a chaotic mess of good and bad events and repeats of past negative experiences.

Likewise, our collective daydreams - the images most common to the mind of mankind - program our collective future reality, locally and globally.

The reason everything is chaotic is because we entertain a chaotic mix of good and bad daydreams, unaware that we are causing our chaotic personal and collective realities.

No wonder everything is a mess. And, the banksters thrive on chaos.


The duration of an image you host on your mental screen isn't very significant. Only the quantity matters.

So, rather than make up a twenty minute movie with great detail that you must labor to recall, make up a two or three second scene that's easy to remember. And, keep it simple.

The less complicated your daydream is, the less difficult it is for the collective subconscious (or the quantum field) to orchestrate events to make it happen.

Lots of my personal daydream programs are at night, to limit content and detail. If it's simple, it can happen faster. And, consciously re-daydream, repeat your imagineered beneficial mental scenes as often as possible.

The collective subconscious (the quantum field) is an automaton - a machine with strict functions. It powers the electrons.

It automatically assumes the mental images you entertain most frequently are the things you want in your future. The images held most frequently before your mind's eye are absorbed by the collective subconscious, which then scores the collective will with your will (daydream), engineering future influences and pathways accordingly to, one day, enable your (intentionally or unintentionally) programmed scene to materialize into your future, unless it was against the collective will.

Most of the time, collective will doesn't weigh in much, because we imagine more personal things for which there is no collective opposition.

The collective subconscious does not qualify your daydreams as good or bad. It only quantifies them. Negative or positive, it'll manifest exactly what you (or we) program it to make, unless you lose the area's vote. And, it requires no faith or belief.

You can do it skeptically, which will just slow down the materialization.


To improve our lives, we must not only create positive daydreams, we must edit our negative daydreams as well.

In their absence, there's more space and time for your many shorter positive images which you willfully create for your benefit. This process reverses negative trends in our personal lives. And, it's easy! 

The same process, done collectively, could reverse the negative local, national or global trends that we collectively, unwittingly create - and then sentence ourselves to endure and, hopefully, survive. (Mankind needs a single positive image of our collective future to counter the evil world leaders' nightmarish plan, that they've duped Us into daydreaming for them!)

Before you begin to fully exercise this power for your benefit, you must first learn how to negate and prevent negative images from recurring on your mental screen.

Editing your daydreams is simple. It's best to delete negative images as they occur on your mind's screen. This prevents them from coming back to mind and from negatively influencing your future and/or Our Collective Future.

This exercise cancels your request to the collective subconscious to manufacture the negative events of the bad image you just canceled. To successfully delete a negative daydream, once again, you must do so in the collective subconscious' own language.

When you catch yourself daydreaming a negative image, first freeze iton your mind's screen. Then with your imaginary paintbrush, draw a sloppy black circle around it. Next, draw a nasty black X through the circle (the international symbol for danger or other negative identification). Lastly, imagine tossing the whole picture spinning upwards out of your mind, away from the planet like a frisbee.

Now, you've told the collective subconscious in its own language to delete the bad image and negate any negative influence it may have had on your future and also to never again entertain that image or images like it.

A recurring negative image that has frequented your mind many times may require you to repeat this technique several times. Remember, you are the gatekeeper of your mind.

You can choose what to imagine and what not to imagine.

At some point you'll find yourself alarmed that you can't remember the negative image you just deleted, seconds ago. You'll feverishly try to remember it until you do. Then you'll have to, again, circle it, X it and toss it up and out of your mind.

You'll soon learn to ignore his "bad dream amnesia," settling for the happy knowledge that you cleaned house. And, if you can't freeze an image or easily recall it, don't worry.

Just Circle and X the blank space after the negative image leaves your mental screen, then toss that upwards out of your mind. It's almost as effective. And your ability to freeze images will improve with practice. Also, you may remember having entertained a negative image without cancelling it out in the past.

As you recall the image, circle and X it.

Your past

Many negative thoughts are memories of bad events and circumstances from your past.

Think of them as unwanted baggage. They anchor you, slowing or preventing your forward progress. By frequently recalling negative images from your past, you're blocking positive images with a log jamb of past negative images.

Also, the source power sees your repeated mental images of your past as your order for your future, making your tomorrows resemble your yesterdays condemned to repeat mistakes of the past.

Each time they recur,

freeze them circle them X them and toss them up and out

This cuts the strings from negative experiences.

Once you've learned the lessons from the past, you need not remember the bad events.

So, toss them out and go on with your life. You can also visualize your most traumatic past negative events as enormous weights or baggage chained to your ankles.

Then just mentally cut the chains and shackles away.

Feel yourself accelerate away from the weight of the bad baggage. Begrudge the huge pile of the worst times of your life as it disappears behind you down a mental road into your past, where it belongs. Learn the lessons as quickly as you can. Then slash the ties and move on. Now you have more free mental time and space for positively imagineering your better future.

Become grudgeless to limit negative images from the past. Forgive all your past enemies and adversaries. Love them, but pity them. They, like you, are only the result of their genetic origin, their experience and their reactions (choices) to their experience. Like most of Us, they're only using their limited conscious resources to try to get along as best they can in this weary old race.

If they had the knowledge of all the secrets in the universe, they wouldn't have wronged you. So, realize their humanity, totally forgive them and lovingly delete your negative images of them from your mind.

This frees up lots of future mental time during which you may entertain new positive images, custom imagineered by you.

And, it frees up your old enemies to evolve.

Your present

Negative thoughts of "where you are now" endorse your entrapment.

Edit them and negate them. Then replace them with images of "where you will be," enabling you to aspire to that new place to be "who you are becoming."  You can image with your eyes open or closed. Mainly, attempt at the most vivid image you can muster.

You don't have to continue to be "what you have been." 

It's your choice. Today really is the first day of the rest of your life, because just now you're learning the knowledge to set you free. You're a work in progress. Live in the now. More fully experience and appreciate the present as you willfully, mentally create your better future.

You can't change the past. But, you can file it away to prevent it from becoming the pattern for your future.

To make room for a great future you must release your old past, learn its lessons, make the best choices you can in the present while imagining your future, as you like, relentlessly.

When you begin to get over your past, you begin to become more fully aware of the present, enabling you to more often stop to smell the roses. Remember that complaining about something you hate makes emotionally powerful mental images of that thing you hate, images sent to the collective subconscious on an order form with the signature of your soul.

This, of course, only creates more of what you hate in your future. Observation is manifestation. So, as best you can, ignore everything around you that you don't like. (You quickly get better at all of this with practice.)  You'll see that, as you ignore the bad, it dissipates and fades into the background.

Griping about it is like picking a sore so it never heals or, worse, gets infected.

By praising and being grateful for the good things you have, you're imagineering more like them in your future. So, count all your blessings, often, no matter how small. And, take the time to feel and express gratitude and appreciation for others' blessings, too. This spreads the good programming by making them see the good in them or good they've accomplished and appreciate it.

It forms a good bond between you, too.

Be in the moment. Finish a task before starting another. Prevent stress by tripling the amount of time you estimate it will take you to fulfill obligations. Recall only memories that make you feel good. Never imagine yourself as a victim or a loser or host any negative mental self-images without instantly taking a few seconds to delete them.

Install an imaginary alarm in your mind that sounds off when a negative image occupies your mental screen, automatically triggering the paint brush.

As you edit negative images you'll experience an ever-increasing sense of freedom from them. And, freedom is power. If you want to feel better, eliminate your negative mental images.

As you put this knowledge into practice, you'll begin to mentally dwell on more positive things, which makes them materialize. If you don't like a thought, negate it, then dwell on something better. You can choose what to think.

What you see with your mind's eye is what you get. So, if what you see is what you get, see better!  Edit your daydreams all day long every day. Get in the habit. Look for the good around you and the good in others and in the environment and appreciate all of it. Forgive yourself and then you can more fully love yourself, so others can forgive you and love you, too.

The universe is infinitely abundant. It can supply everything that everyone needs and wants. So, know that you have the right to have everything you need and want. You have the right to be happy. Release the old to make space for the new.




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