In this reading, we discuss two key components vital for our greater understanding.
We speak about the delusions of the EGO and probe deeper into what our true self is.
This has been broken down into two sections: EGO and I for a more detailed analysis.
There is no past.
The future is rife with uncertainties and multiple possibilities.
The only real time is NOW.
The NOW is the current present and is the canvas of our reality.
Our thoughts and feelings color and create the art of the canvas we call LIFE
Life in all of its totality is filled with nothing but mystical beauty.
Our experience of life is limited only to our perceptions.
So what interrupts the flow of this crystalline beauty we call NOW?
It is called the EGO.
The ego is a collection of preconceived notions and belief operating within a perceived model of reality. External factors that oppose the mental models constructed and operated by the Ego greatly disrupt and cause great distress.
Its a fact that each of us is different, unique and one-of-a-kind. Granted this is true only to the extent that you are unique just like everybody else. The one common denominator is the consciousness that resides in us all.
The adorable dog, the pregnant cat, the sturdy tree and the intelligent human all have one thing in common. The ever present essence, observer and watcher of the watched.
YOU are that mystical essence.
Currently you have ideas, standards and beliefs acquired from people, culture and what you generally imagine is. All of your belief systems compounds into being a part of the identity of your ego; the thing we refer to when we say 'I'
In truth, the real 'I' is the person or essence observing the thoughts and actions of the ego mind. That quiet part of you listening to the words being read in your head. If its inside your own head, then who is listening to the words being read?
That is your true self.
Dig deeper and you suddenly understand; every-thing has this same I
Put the pieces together, connect the dots and it becomes clearer.
Every-thing's 'I' is the same one essence.
Meaning: Your true self is not your stream of thoughts.
You true self is the observer of the thoughts.
That true self is the same essence that makes up EVERYTHING.
The texts below illustrate this in a different light.
From the spiritual perspective I see this.
I am the supreme being, conscious through 'Tim'
I am the unconscious field of awareness individualized as a particular 'I'
It seems as if my being is separate from the being of others, but actually my 'I' is intrinsically one with the being of all.
From the scientific perspective i see this.
I am the unconscious universe that has individualized into this particular conscious body.
I am the universe looking at itself.
The body seems separate from the universe, but it is actually intrinsically one with the universe and could have no independent existence.
So, here's what i see from both the spiritual and scientific perspective.
I am the universal field of being, individualized as a particular being.
It seems as if my being is separate from the being of others, but actually every individual being is intrinsically one with the being of all.
I am separate and not separate from All-that-is.
Sources- Science and Non-Duality