It is important we take some time to ground ourselves.
Be aware of all the sensations within.
The feel of the air as it passes from your nose to your lungs.
The sheer beauty of being able to see the world and all its radiant colors.
The power we hold to feel an immense array of emotions.
The mesmerizing power that is music.
The joys of being human..
Being a social animal, the rules and influences of their environment shape humans profoundly.
Based on the cultural or social norms of a group, each individual or the collective group extremely differ from other individuals or members of other groups.
They get so conditioned by their cultural programming or in other words; are so immersed in their culturally defined lifestyle or "games" they forget or never realize it is indeed just that; a game they're choosing to play by following the rules of said game.
What are these games you might ask? Well anything and everything considered common knowledge, aspirations,social norms or a way of life.
For example:- Acquiring an education, earning the highest educational degrees, amassing a huge amount of wealth, finding the 'perfect' mate, producing offspring and so much more.
Keep in mind that none of these things are wrong in their own right as long as one consciously chooses such. The problem comes about when an individual never acknowledges other paths or remains in one because of fear.
The main point of listing some of these out was not to condemn them as good or bad but to illustrate that while they are important to thrive on earth, they are still fundamentally just ONE way of life.
Humans hold immense potentials to achieve a multitude of different experiences on this earth only if they are willing and brave enough to leave the game or system they are used to playing. The same game that operates only because they keep on playing in the first place.
One is none the lesser if she/he decides to change the dynamics or opt for a different way of life, essentially dropping out from the version of the game they were used to. It takes bravery of a different magnitude to follow your souls calling and not conform.
Great compassion and understanding needs to be shown to those unaware of the power of creation they innately wield by the act of making their own choices.
Examples can be illustrated by these few brave souls who choose to follow radically different ways of life or play a different version of the standard "human game"
Individuals who dedicate their lives as wanderers and travelers of the world joyfully going wherever the wind blows them.
Individuals who let go of all inessential possessions and opt for a simpler life away from civilization by relocating to say, rural areas, mountains or maybe even the great wilderness.
In summary anyone who chooses radically different ways of living life than we've been conditioned or taught to strive for. These people are not weird, outcasts, rejects or pariahs as some foolishly assume. These are the real free souls brave enough to experience life on this earth in a unique fashion.
Countless humans obtain their sense of self-worth according to the dictations of the cultural environment they originate from. It must be stressed that while this by itself is not a bad thing, a large majority of individuals never even realistically exercise the thought of a different way. Herein, lies the problem.
Realize as creators of your reality YOU hold control over your life. Daunting to fully accept but true nonetheless. The human experience would take on a different quality if more people cultivated their uniqueness and explored the various possibilities and consciously choose the path or game they'd like to play.
Admittedly, More individuals are beginning to make this shift. If progression continues steadily then this will play an amazingly tremendous role in the humanity's forthcoming era.
Search within and find what truly evokes your happiness and joy. Pursue and manifest it into reality. This is part of what your earthly experience is all about.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
We are Gods playing the Human game.