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Divine Masculine and Feminine Essence

Writer: Laconic WisomLaconic Wisom

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

It must be made known that the essence of the masculine or feminine differs from the concepts of 'male' or 'female'

The masculine essence are the analytical, rational and assertive parts of us.

The feminine essence are the parts of us more intuitive, emotional and receptive.

If properly understood, we can correctly declare that each individual possesses essences; hardly does a person fall on the extremes of the spectrum entirely.

One must realize that the soul is a perfect balance of both. One is not better than the other. They are complementary, co-related and co-dependent.

Only in the lower, polarized and dualistic parts of creation are these forces fractured or split and manifest in the form of one or the other. A quick illustration can be seen in the case of the typical MALE or FEMALE

Males: In most cases perceive reality with 'masculine-tinted' glasses

Females: On the other hand, females mostly perceive reality with the feminine as the prevalent primary.

It is important to know that the Divine Masculine does not necessarily represent the male human body and vice versa for the Divine Feminine.

Both of these energies reside in any one male or female, if this were not the case we would not have either logical thought nor creativity. To obtain harmony, we must find a balance point between these two forces whilst still remaining true to the sex we identify within ourselves.

Ultimately the divine feminine and masculine are not to be seen only as energies on the human race spectrum but on a much more broad level of existence. It is the split-off parts of the creator/source; two parts of the same whole. Saying that it only works within human reality/consciousness is to miss a very large part of the Knowledge ready to unlock us even more from out of the box when indeed these forces existed before we even got here.

The term 'Opposites Attract' can be used here to describe the instinctual pull for balance both sexes desire in our earthly plane. The natural union of man and woman is the seeking of that balance only the other can seemingly provide. Even in same sex relationships, there is always a masculine and feminine dynamic.

As a collective, both the masculine and feminine essences have been unevenly balanced throughout the ages, causing conflicts within and against each other as can be seen in interpersonal relationships.

So, what must be done?

Each individual should strive to balance these two essences within themselves. For example, being more in touch with our intuition and feeling centers or exercising more logical and deductive reasoning instead of spontaneity in situations. By achieving this, two individuals become complete wholes who choose to come together while still retaining their sense of selves instead of being one half of a broken piece looking for their other half to 'complete' them.

Then and only then will a more functional, co-operative and overall happier world for both sexes exist. This is the more idealistic approach to the collective problem.

Agreeably, this is somewhat difficult and might seem like a most insurmountable venture but it is helpful to realize this is only one of several steps that must be actualized before the unfolding end of the collective human game

In future writings, we will venture deeper into this subject matter. Until then, good luck in your personal transformation processes.




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